Sunday 17 May 2009

Pick of the Pix Series, Release

Specs: 1/160s 24.0mm f/3.5 ISO:800

It was the final of the senior pre-arranged sparring at the 2007 World Champs in Quebec. Mr Mark Trotter and Mr Luke Thompson had performed numerous times to get through to the final. In the final they performed first. The other finalists had just completed their performance and the judges were adding up the scores. I turned around and pre-focused for the reaction when the announcement was made… and got this memorable shot. I remembered thinking, “don’t panic, whatever happens just keep shooting and get the reactions”. It was pure luck that Rose’s face was visible between them.

I’ve learned to look for the reactions of the supporters, coaches, the hugs and high fives… they convey so much of the emotion of the small snippet in time that words can’t.