Thursday 28 May 2009
Pick of the Pix Series, Who's that Dude?
Specs: 1/160s, 28mm, f/3.5, ISO: 800, flash: used
The time was the end of the 2007 World Champs in Quebec and it was time to celebrate. The dark guy in the middle of the image who is looking to his left approached the NZ team and asked if he could get a photo with them. We'd just come 3rd in the country stakes so I guess he thought we were pretty cool.
I love this photo. Everyone is so happy and the stranger in the middle is looking out to the side. It's a nice "fluke".
Not all the NZ team were around, it happened and was over inside 30 seconds and was one of those nice natural occurrences.
If anyone knows who the dude is, please leave a comment.