Sunday 14 June 2009

Pick of the Pix Series, Morning Light

Specs: 1/3200s, 85.0mm prime, f/4.5, ISO: 320, contrast boosted in Picasa

The day before the 2008 World Cup began in Reva del Garda the kiwis assembled on the roof deck of one of our hotels and did an easy relaxed final training. The day was really clear and the light bright... very similar to our light in New Zealand - harsh and clean. Most of the time we'd experienced quite beautiful soft light in Italy. Anyway, it offered some cool contrasting opportunities like the one above of Richard Lavin practicing his patterns.

I like the one below of Carl van Roon but wished I'd spotted the guy's head in the background and moved to cut it out. It could be taken out with Photoshop but then I'm too much of a purist to do that (yet).

Specs: 1/4000s 85.0mm prime, f/4.5, ISO: 800, contrast boosted in Picasa