Specs: 1/1000s. 185.0mm, f/5.6, ISO: 800
Jeremy Hanna has been training at Impact Club gym and, typical for Jem, is soaked in sweat. This image works nicely with the stong sunlight coming through the windows, emphasising the wetness of his hair, and contrasting him against the dark background.
The complative composition with his eyes looking down or closed tends to draw focus to the shape of his face and the amount of sweat on it.

Specs: 1/125s, 47.0mm, f/2.8, ISO: 1600
The photo above is Uma Goodyer taking a break from training in Quebec City.

Specs: 1/125s, 55.0mm, f/4.5, ISO: 1600, extreme contrast enhancement
DJ Thompson during a pre-tournament training session in Reva Del Garda prior to the 2008 World Cup. The contrast is enhanced to emphasise the sweat droplets on his back. He was working hard!
Specs: 1/100s, 85.0mm prime, f/3.5, ISO: 1600
Erica Germain at the end of a hard 2009 World Champs training session.