There's nothing like a wet day in a long weekend to get some work done on my coverage build up for the Taekwon-Do World Champs in Argentina.
There's now only 3 more weekends until we all fly out of Auckland... sheesh!
One challenge for me is continuous improvement of the level and methods of coverage since I took up this role (as photographer) with Gwyn Brown as Reporter in 2006 for the Junior World Champs in Honduras and as Photographer/Reporter at the 2007 World Champs in Quebec, then last year at the World Cup in Italy.
So what's new for this year? There are now a few new ways to keep yourself updated with all the action.
1. All my updates will be on my Taekwon-Do Photography Blog which you can get to through the
ITFNZ Website or directly on I recommend checking the
ITFNZ regularly where you can send team members messages of support and Mr Neil Breen maintains our accumulated results and other interesting information here.
2. I'm purchasing a new, easier to remember domain, from a Canadian - this should hopefully be up and running in a couple of weeks and will take you to my blog. It's easier to remember and shorter to type.

I'll be doing my best to post real-time Kiwi results to my newest Taekwon-Do updates feed on Twitter. This feed has been setup to automatically tweet all posts made on my blog and we'll also be tweeting as many resuils directly to this feed live from our iphone at the event. So, to keep up to date, go to and click follow to get all posts coming up in your twitter feed. This feed shows up on the blog site as well, it just saves you pressing f5 in your browser for updates all the time! My existing
DougHannaNZ twitter feed will be refocused on Photography and Lifestyle posts.

updates to your mobile phone. So you've got an iphone or any phone capable of browsing the web. Browse to the
Mobile version of TKDAction to get the feed on your mobile while on the move.

updates via SMS. Get all the TKDAction tweets sent to your phone via SMS.
Instructions here.

Facebook users can become fans of and have the major daily updates come through onto your facebook wall. At this stage, this is a manual process but I'm working on a solution for blogger posts to automatically appear on this Facebook fan page.
Got some good suggestions, ideas or want to help somehow. Leave a comment or
email doug [at]