Monday 10 August 2009

Best Team Patterns Images

Here are my two favourite team patterns images from Sunday.

Bear in mind that I'm looking for an unusual, appealing image. Your favourite may be one with a particular technique. I've taken many team patterns images over the years and the hardest thing to achieve is to separate the team from the background. If you take it from eye height from ring side, like I usually would, you struggle to get all 5 people in the image and then there's the messy background behind them. Having the balcony above allowed an unusual angle with nice symmetry. I tried it in black and white but it looks better in colour. This is the Auckland TKD Academy team.

Lens: 37.0mm, 1/125s, f/3.2, ISO: 1000

This next image was taken when the "NZ Team" were practicing (this is the New Zealand Junior Female team patterns team going to the world champs this year). I got in close holding the camera on the floor pointing up. The bright blue mat gave the competitors a strange colour cast. The image looks better in black and white.

Lens: 17.0mm, 1/250s, f/2.8, ISO: 1000

Someone left a comment asking about what camera I use. I have a Canon 40D and an older Canon 30D and the two lenses I used on Sunday were the Canon EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM (used above) and the Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 Prime Lens (which is fantastic for portraits)

Check back over the next few days for more Pick of the Pix from Sunday...

For all the photos scroll down further or click here.