Monday 17 August 2009

Taupo Camp - Best Sparring Action

Lens: 85.0mm, 1/400s, f/2.0, ISO: 800

Alica Parker lands a nice high kick on Helen Caley.

Lens: 54.0mm, 1/100s, f/2.8, ISO: 800

Kane Baigent and Luke Thompson tied together for sparring training. Not long after this Luke's belt broke.

Lens: 37.0mm, 1/320s, f/2.8, ISO: 1600

Richard Lavin sparring with Dale who was one of the extras that came along to help out. Please leave me a comment if you know Dale's surname. Thanks.

Lens: 85.0mm, 1/400s, f/2.0, ISO: 800

Hamish Duncan and Michael Davis.

Lens: 85.0mm, 1/200s, f/2.0, ISO: 800

Clint King and Kane Baigent.

And here are the rest of the Sparring Pick of the Pix........

I've written a small report on the activities, updating the posts on Saturday and Sunday.

More Taupo camp Pick of the Pix coming each day over the next few days, so come back for more...